Tel: 800-270-3565
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The Real Estate Action Network serves as a marketplace for wholesalers and traditional investors. Once a wholesale opportunity has been submitted to the network for review, our administrators qualify the property to ensure the assumptions are correct and that it is a viable investment opportunity. If the property is deemed as viable, it is presented to our active real estate investors who have expressed an interest and have proven their ability to qualify for that investment. This process increases the probability that the deal will get done.

As a member, you will receive these opportunities as they arise. You will have the ability to do your own due diligence and make the decision on whether to proceed. It is important however to act quickly as each deal is sold on a first come, first serve basis. 

Both member and non member wholesalers are allowed to present deals to the network. You can be assured that your interest will be protected and that your opportunity will be presented to investors who have actually proven their ability to perform. If you have any questions about our wholesale process feel free to contact us to learn more. 
Check this week's education series video: 

How to accurately determine market value. 
Interested in learning more about how you can get involved in the network?
 Join us and get into action
Invest in today's best markets 
The network serves as a marketplace to get wholesale deals done!