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Loans and Funding:  
The Real Estate Action Network serves as a conduit between investors needing capital to fund their deals and our private money members. We perform extensive due diligence on each investment, and choose only those investments that offer above average, calculated risk-adjusted returns for our members. Current targeted investments include single family, multifamily properties or notes secured by those same asset classes. The reason for this is that we can accurately predict the outcome of these investments in residential markets more so than we can in commercial and other spaces. 

Our private money investors benefit by receiving superior returns on their investments though one of the investment products listed below. 

Short-Term Lending Product: 
Our short-term (transactional) lending product is structured to generate quick returns for our investors. An investor’s capital will be tied up for a short period of time; sometimes less than thirty days. With this product investors will receive a scaled rate of return depending on the length of time their capital is utilized. Our payment schedule is highlighted below:

  0 -30 days =3% 
  31-60 days =4% 
  61-90 days =5% 
  91-120 days =6%.

Mid-Term Lending Product: 
Our mid-term lending product is structured primarily for rehab projects that will take longer than four months to complete and sell. These investments will yield a fixed rate of return of 10-12 percent on a one year term. Loans can and often are paid off prior to the one year maturity date. Similar to our short-term lending product, these investments are secured by a note and deed of trust on the property. All properties are acquired at a significant discount ensuring the investor has a strong equitable position. With this product, investors have the option of receiving their interest payments on a monthly basis or upon the loan's satisfaction. 

Long Term Lending Product: 
Our long-term lending product is structured to cater to investors who are seeking stability and consistent returns over time. In contrast to our other lending products, this product is geared towards cash flowing investment properties. This essentially is a private mortgage with a term of 5 to 7 years paying an interest rate of 8-10 percent per year. Interest payments will be made to the investor monthly and principal repayment will occur upon maturity of the loan or loan payoff. The instrument to secure the interest of the investor is a note and deed of trust. These properties are also purchased at a significant discount. The strong equity position along with the positive cash flow makes this product a very secure investment.

Equity Partnership Product: (Joint Venture) 
Our equity partnership product is ideal for investors who are willing to take on a bit more risk for greater returns. With this product, a partnership is created with the investor on one or multiple projects where the investor's capital is used to fund the project(s). Although there is no guaranteed rate of return as there are with our other products, typically yields are much higher due to our aggressive acquisition and liquidation strategies. Upon the sale of the property(s), the net profits will be split equally with the investor. The investor will have the ability to select the investments they would like to participate on by analyzing our pre-acquisition due diligence report. This allows them to make an informed decision prior to committing any capital.

Open Investment Option: 
Ultimately, it is our private money lenders who decide how and what they invest in. The products listed above are simply structured options available to our investors. However, if a project comes to the network that requires a structure outside of the other options, our investors are welcome to take those projects on. Our role as network administrators is simply to review the project to ensure its a viable deal and share it with our network of qualified investors. 

A major benefit of being an investor with the network is that our investors do not commit any of their funds on our private equity products until they find an investment that interests them. This is not a REIT or investment fund but rather an opportunity for our investors to enjoy the benefits of low volatility, preservation of capital, and investment transparency, while receiving attractive returns traditionally associated with higher risk investments. . For more information on our investment products or becoming a private money investor with The Real Estate Action Network, please contact us to discuss how we can help you meet your investment objectives.
Check this week's education series video: 

How to accurately determine market value. 
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The network matches your deals with our vetted private money lenders
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