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Our Members
There are four types of members in the network: Private Money, Credit Partner, Real Estate Investor and Referral Members. A brief description of each can be found below:

Private Money: Private money members are presented opportunities that meet their investment criteria. Investors have the option to choose from various debt and equity opportunities including short, mid and long-term investment strategies.

Credit Partners: Credit partners provide their ability to qualify for a loan and share in the profits earned on an investment. In most cases, cash is provided and the credit partner secures the loan. Once closed, the property is put into a holding entity (i.e. Trust or LLC) where all parties have a vested interest and profits are split.

Real Estate Investors: Active real estate investors benefit from having access to cheaper capital and potential credit partners for their investments. They will also be presented with wholesale opportunities submitted through the network.

Referral Members: Referral members are valuable assets to the network. When a referral partner recommends another partner or client who does business with the network, we compensate them accordingly.

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