Tel: 800-270-3565
Our MembersLoans/FundingPartnershipInvestment OppsWholesale

Frequently Asked Questions 
1.What types of members are in the network? 
There are four types of members in the network: Private Money, Credit Partner, Real Estate Investor and Referral Members. A brief description of each can be found below:

Private Money: Private money members are presented opportunities that meet their investment criteria. Investors have the option to choose from various debt and equity opportunities including short, mid and long-term investment strategies.

Credit Partners: Credit partners provide their ability to qualify for a loan and share in the profits earned on an investment. In most cases, cash is provided and the credit partner secures the loan. Once closed, the property is put into a holding entity (i.e. Trust or LLC) where all parties have a vested interest and profits are split.

Real Estate Investors: Active real estate investors benefit from having access to cheaper capital and potential credit partners for their investments. They will also be presented with wholesale opportunities submitted through the network.

Referral Members: Referral members are valuable assets to the network. When a referral partner recommends another partner or client who does business with the network, we compensate them accordingly.

2.What are the qualifications for becoming a member? 
Each type of member needs to meet minimum criteria standards. Adhering to these standards ensure that members of the network are capable of performing. The basic criteria are as follows:

Private Money members need to meet a minimum net worth requirement and have at least $20,000 in verifiable liquid assets to invest. 

Credit partners need to meet minimum income and credit requirements along with securing loan pre approval. 

Real Estate Investors need to provide proof they have closed on at least one property in the last 12 months and proof of funds to close transactions. 

Referral members become active once one of their referrals becomes a member.

3.What benefit to I get by joining the network? 
There are many benefits of being a member in the network. Those benefits vary depending on what type of member you are. Ultimately, investors will have more access to deal flow and partners that have been vetted which greatly enhances the probability of getting deals done and making more money. 

4.How much do you charge to be a member?
 At this point, there is no fee to become a member. You simply have to qualify.

5.How much do you or your private lenders charge in interest?  
The network do not charge or determine fees for private money. Those decisions are solely up to the lender. We simply provide the opportunity and they decide what they charge.

6.What does the interview process entail? 
During the interview process, we first want to get a sense of the investor’s knowledge, experience and seriousness about being active in real estate. We will also educate them if necessary on the processes and inherent risks of investing. Finally, we take a detailed account of their investment criteria and make sure they meet our minimum qualifications. 

7.How do you decide which investor gets the deal? 
Typically, when a deal is submitted to the network, we will identify all the prospective matches given the investors criteria. We will share the opportunities with the matched investors and the first to commit will get the deal.  

8.How are deals structured through the network? 
Deal structure is ultimately determined by the members involved. We can make suggestions but leave the final decision to the members. 

9.What type of analysis is done on deals are submitted? 
The administrators of the network will analyze all deals that are submitted to the network. That analysis generally includes comparable, title, financial, borrower and property analysis. Despite our efforts to ensure all deals submitted have been reasonably vetted, we strongly recommend that investors do their own due diligence as well. 

10.Where do your deals come from? 
Deals can come from several sources including other members, bird dogs, and non members interested in wholesaling or securing capital or partnerships for their projects. 

11.Can I still submit deals if I am not a member? 
Yes, in fact we encourage it. 

​12.Do I have direct access to other members 
No you do not. Many of our members shared with us the desire to keep their anonymity. As a result, all communications are facilitated through the network.

13.Does the network make money for facilitating these deals? 
In order to keep the network going, we charge a nominal $500 fee for each transaction facilitated through the network. There is also a $250 fee reserved for referring members.

14. How can I get involved with the network? 
Simply contact us at 800-270-3565 or to set up a 15 minute phone interview. 

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