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About Us
Thank you for your interest in The Real Estate Action Network. The Network was founded in 2012 to fill what the founders saw as a glaring void in the real estate investment community today. That is, due to lack of information, access to deal flow and financial resources, many experienced and aspiring investors are left sitting on the sidelines. The Real Estate Acton Network was established to create an environment that would foster deals getting done amongst serious and vetted investors. Our mission is quite simple: To bring real opportunities and vetted “action-oriented” investors together to make deals happen. 

Our mission statement is very deliberate in that it clearly defines what the network is all about. You see, any investment that is presented to the network is first thoroughly analyzed to ensure it is a legitimate opportunity. In addition, the only people the opportunities are shared with are members who have proven they can perform on the presented investment. This strategy significantly increases the probability that deals will get done. It also enhances the value of membership in the network.

We are a members only network comprised of investors who have been interviewed, vetted and have proven their ability to perform. There are four types of members in the network: Private Money, Credit Partner, Real Estate Investor and Referral members. Each type of member needs to meet minimum criteria to join the network. As a member, you will have access to other members that you can be assured will be interested and able to consummate a deal. Our role as administrators of the network is to simply serve as a conduit between the network’s members. In doing our initial research with prospective members prior to establishing the network, one of the consistent themes was that they wanted to maintain their privacy and not be inundated with communications or have to sift through numerous opportunities to find a good one. As a result, we have assembled an experienced staff to review investments when they are submitted and facilitate the communication between investors. 

Ultimately, whether you are a private lender looking to earn greater than market returns on your money, an opportunistic investor who has verifiable income and good credit or a real estate investor who can benefit from cheaper money, credit partners or wholesale opportunities, The Real Estate Action Network might be the vehicle that can get you into the action. If you are interested in joining the network, contact us today to set up an interview. 

To your success,

Aaron R. Berryman
Founding Member 
The Real Estate Action Network

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